Noel has been wanting to go fishing with his cousin Peter for ages and yesterday Peter asking if he’d like to go fishing today at 6am. Sadly Noel declined as we decided there was still too much to get done before David arrives on Friday.

We often leave open the door to our flat to let some air through and Peter (who lives down the road) knows this as a sign that he can come in, so this evening in popped Peter with a whole fish in hand – a gurnard, said a cheery hello, dumped it in the sink, then after a very quick chat said goodbye! 🙂

Noel then got to work…

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There was a beautiful sunset this evening – view of the marina from near The Thirsty Whale. None of these pictures have colour filtering applied!

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The view from inside The Thirsty Whale – not just me taking photos of the sunset!


While there we got a call from Max who had been out for the evening with the Lions and had just got back. He had been a member for over 50 years and was very active in the group. Unbeknownst to Max, they had planned a surprise ‘This is your Life’ for him to celebrate his long membership and the work he had put into the organisation and local communities. So Noel and I went over to help him celebrate a very good evening.