After having breakfast at the hotel we checked out and drove to Curtis Aviation at Camden again. I wanted to get wheeler and wing-down landings sorted instead of just doing three-point landings.

Me and Craig getting ready.

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We did some landings on 06 hard to get used to visual cues before changing to 10 grass to do some wheeler landings. I made some pretty awful attempts! Eventually I got it sorted after some very patient and good instruction from Craig. By this time it was lunchtime so Noel and I went for lunch in Camden before it was Noel’s go.


After Noel came back I went up once more just to consolidate. A very useful and fun day.

Not Camden, London!


We then drove to an Ibis airport hotel in Sydney ready for our flight back to NZ the next morning. We checked in then walked to a ‘pub’ about 15 mins away for dinner then walked back to pick up our rental car and return it and then walked back to the hotel from there.